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廣州中天電機有限公司 ,是—家專(zhuān)業從事(shì)步進電機與驅動(dòng)器設計、開發、制造、 銷售的高新技術(shù)型企業,位于交通便利、風景秀(xiù)美的廣州市白雲山附近(jìn),擁有(yǒu)幾千平方米的标準化廠房及(jí)先進的專用生産、檢測設備,十多個(gè)系(xì)列(liè)、數百種規格标準化(huà)産品,— 支經 驗豐富、高效 敬業、創新型的管理、技(jì)術團隊。根據您的不同需求我們不(bú)僅能準确、快捷地爲您提供所需的(de)标(biāo)準化産品與服務,而且可量(liàng)身定(dìng)制,進行創新型設計,以最大限(xiàn)度地滿足您的設想與(yǔ)要(yào)求!

貫徹嚴謹、科學、精益求精、讓用(yòng)戶滿意的質(zhì)量方(fāng)針,從産品設計(jì)、制造、品質、 保證、直至産品 輸出等全過程嚴格貫徹 ISO9001 質量保證體系相關程 序, 我們 力求完美(měi)的 專業精 神, 塑造了良好的品質與企業(yè)信 譽(yù), 已成爲衆 多領(lǐng)域 的重要分供方。

秉承“開啓科技之光,共亨智慧之美的經營理念,推崇尊重、包容(róng)、和諧、共享” 的企業文化,我(wǒ)們正(zhèng)以更(gèng)前瞻(zhān)的眼光,更(gèng)前(qián)沿的創新思維,進一步(bù)探索着爲客戶提供 引領時間前沿的最 具價值(zhí)的解決 方案。


Guangzhou Zhongtian Motor Co., Ltd. is a professional engaged in stepper  motors and High-tech enterprise that designs, develops, manufactures and sells drivers With convenient transportation and beautiful scenery, near Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou, it has several thousand square meters.Standardized workshops and advanced special production and testing equipment, more than ten departments Columns , hundreds of standardized products, an experienced, efficient and dedicated, innovativeNew management and technical team. According to your different needs, we can not only be able to Definitively and quickly provide you with the standardized products and services you need, and you can "tailor" Customized", innovative design to maximize ze your vision and requirements !

Carry out the quality side of "rigorous, scientific, excellence, customer satisfaction" Needle, from product design, manufacturing, quality assurance, to product output, etc. Cheng strictly implements the relevant procedures of IS09001 quality assurance system , we force.Seeking perfect professionalism, shaping a good quality and corporate reputation, has becomeAn important sub-supplier for many fields.

Adhering to the business philosophy of "opening the light of technology and sharing the beauty of wisdom" "Respect, tolerance, harmony, sharing" corporate culture, we are more forward-looking Vision, more cutting-edge  innovative thinking, further exploring to provide guidance for customers The most valuable solution at the forefront of time.

Sincerely look forward to your support, your every trust will be our glory,Every request you make will be the driving force of our innovation!

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